工藝:恒功率加熱帶、電熱帶它是由母線、母線絕緣層、主絕緣層發熱絲外護套、屏蔽層和zui外加強保護套組成。 用途:適用于管道、容器表面敷設 特點:當溫度上升時,發熱功率減小,當溫度下降時,發熱功率增大。起動沖擊小耐蝕性能好,使用壽命長,能剪切使用等優點。 Technology: constant power and the tropics, Dianredai it from the bus, bus insulation layer, the heat insulating layer of silk jacket, shield, and strengthen the protection of the kit components. Use: apply to pipeline laying vessel surface Features: When the temperature rises, fever power decreases when the temperature is decreased, increasing heating power. Starting impact on the corrosion resistance of a good, long life, to the advantages of the use of shear. |